Previous Scholarship Recipents

Agnes Delphia Feucgo (2020 Winner)

Quote: “ As you can imagine, being a winner of this scholarship is a big relief and a supplemental source of motivation for me. That is why I would like once more to attest for my profound gratitude and the joy that is mine.”

Major: Earth Sciences

School: University of Dschang

Academic Level: 2nd Year

Expected Graduation Year: 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Hydrology and Management of Natural Resources

Hometown: Dschang, Cameroon

Agnes graduated from High school in 2018 with a Series D Baccalaureate focusing on Mathematics, Life Sciences, and Earth Sciences. She then enrolled at the University of Dschang in Fall 2018, where she is studying Earth Sciences and plans to graduate in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science degree. Since High School, she has been involved in Martial arts and continues to represent the University of Dschang at the national level. Agnes believes that her education at the University of Dschang will equip her with the skills and knowledge to help improve drinking water quality in local communities.

When Binam-AZ approached Agnes to ask how she would use her scholarship award, she highlighted the following:

  • Payment of the tuition balance and basic school supplies
  • Payment of her daily commute to the university as well as for the commute between the different university campuses.
  • Payment of other academic and activity fees including but not limited to: workshops, field trips, experimental field work and conferences.

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